Saturday, February 1, 2014

Ancient Greece

I woke up, my feet cold under the sheets. The room was strangely quiet as I slip out of the bed and looked out of the window. I see the world covered in a blanket of white snow. I hurry to get dressed and start for the back door. I stopped at the door, silently watching the snow fall. The soft snow flakes drifted peacefully down from the sky, covering the world in white. The door creaked as I open it, and I stepped onto the back porch carefully so that I do not slip and fall. I than had a full view of my backyard, a wintry paradise covered in snow. I gathered my friends and after A LOT of arguing we compromised and decided to have a snowball fight. I got to my favorite spot. As I pelted my friend with a ball something caught my eyes. 

A pink tea house stood on the other side of the street. Finally my curiosity built up too much and I ran towards the Tea house. I opened the door and hoped for the best. Inside it was a large copy of what my sister played with, except for one thing. There were 7 buttons. Each button had a label below it that read: Ancient Greece, Rome, Medieval Europe, Renaissance Europe, Modern Europe, Home, and other. Under the other button, there was a keyboard. I went back outside to inspect the tea house I noticed something I hadn't before. On the top there was a title, Turbo Time Tea house. WOW!!! It was the World’s only time machine. Now there was another tough decision I had to take. Where did I want to go? I decided to go to Ancient Greece first. I pressed the first button and the lights shone, the whole world seemed to start spinning. POOF!!! I was in the 776 BC Greece - the Ancient Greece
Oh my God! What is all this noise about. Looked like a stadium full of people in their white drapes, I was surprised every one had the same white dress, was it the TOGA? Yes it was Toga the Ancient Greek attire. I was at the first ever Olympics in Greece. I got to watch the men sprint to the finish. Those guys were fast, I bet the winner could have beat Usain Bolt. When he ran you could feel a gust of wind pass you. Immediately after an athlete won his event, the herald would announce his name, father's name, and city of origin to the crowd. He was given a palm branch and adorned with red woolen ribbons around his head, arm, and leg as marks of victory as the crowd cheered wildly. 
Then I visited Parthenon, It was colossal. Its architectural design seemed very futuristic for its time. It was built in honor of the Greek Goddess of Wisdom- Athena. Inside stood a massive gold and ivory sculpture of the Goddess. Athena was often Athena is also a companion of heroes and is the goddess of heroic endeavor. Also there were three types of pillars outside the Parthenon, Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. These pillars could be clearly differentiated by the unique architectural design each one had.
My stomach started to rumble, I was growing quite an appetite, so I decided to go to a authentic Greek restaurant. The walls inside the restaurant looked like they were about to fall (But luckily they didn't). The walls were covered in pictures of the Greek Gods. Many of them were of Zeus, the God of the sky and Ruler of the Gods. There were also posters of Hera, Queen of the Gods and Wife of Zeus. They had many items on the menu including Tirprites, Baklava, Horta Virasta, Chicken Soup, and Tzatziki. After devouring a serving of Baklava I headed back to the Turbo Time Tea house. 
On the way I noticed a peasant. He was encouraging people to enroll in the Greek army. He said the Greek army was one of the best. Greek generals trained their soldiers to fight in lines, shoulder to shoulder. In this way each man (women were not allowed to be soldiers) was protected by the shield of the man standing next to him. When they all marched forward together, no enemy spears or arrows could get through their wall of shields.

As I ran towards the time machine I noticed a stage and few people had gathered around it. I joined them and soon realized that it was the old Greek theater. The Greek theater was in honor of the god Dionysus the God of Wine, Merry Making, Theater, and Ecstasy.The act being played seemed like a tragedy. I got interested and watched it. But soon I realized I was getting late so I rushed towards the Tea house. 

I reached the Tea house and pressed the home button. Lights shone and the whole World started to spin and I was back to the snowy street where I started. You know what they say there is no place like home, but this was an exception Ancient Greece was breathtaking. I got to visit the first ever Olympics, Parthenon, Greek Theater and eat the traditional food. 


  1. I liked this blog a lot its extremely well writen and very detailed. If I knew absolutley nothing about ancient Greece this would have been a very good blog to learn from. Great job!!!

  2. I liked your introduction, it was very detailed
